Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stillbirth Legislation Introduced in D.C.

The long awaited bill is FINALLY here.

Representative Peter King from New York has introduced House of Representative Bill 5979, the Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act of 2008, to raise awareness about stillbirth that seeks to standardize the definition of stillbirth, and the method in which stillbirth data is collected, so there can be a national repository for stillbirth data with which to conduct comprehensive research efforts. The bill also authorizes a campaign to increase public awareness of good prenatal care practices that may decrease the risk of stillbirth, including monitoring movements during the last trimester.

Please pass this on to anyone you think would be interested in supporting this effort, including family, friends, your favorite support organizations, groups, websites, etc.This email, when acted upon, actually has the potential to impact thousands of families every year. You can do something to help families who suffer the tragedy of stillbirth. It just takes one click (I just did it and it took just moments).

1. https://forms.house.gov/wyr/welcome.shtml. This links let you easily write a note to your representative.

2. The Board and Staff of First Candle Sample Letter

Dear Representative ________________:

I am writing to ask you to co-sponsor legislation that would help the CDC and researchers better determine the risk factors associated with stillbirth and convey those risk factors to expectant parents.

House of Representative Bill 5979, the Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act of 2008, was introduced by Representative Peter King of New York in an effort to address the lack of standardized data collection nationally with regard to stillbirth.

Each year more than 25,000 babies in the United States are stillborn. More than 50 percent of these deaths occur in the last trimester of pregnancy and 15 percent occur during labor and delivery. Due to a lack of autopsy/investigation and inconsistencies in diagnosing these, more than 50 percent of all stillbirths remain unexplained.

With standardized investigation and reporting of these deaths, researchers would be better able to determine the risk factors. H.R. 5979 would both standardize the definition of stillbirth and the method in which data is collected, in order to create a national repository of stillbirth data to assist researchers in conducting comprehensive studies in to the causes of, and possible preventive strategies for, stillbirth. The bill also authorizes a public awareness campaign promoting good prenatal practices, including monitoring movements during the last trimester of pregnancy, to reduce the risk of stillbirth.

This legislation is important to me because (insert your personal story here)

Thank you so much for your consideration of my request.

(insert name and contact information here)

3. First Candle would very much appreciate knowing who you have sent a letter to. Simply send an email to jennifer.johnson@firstcandle.org with your name and the name of the representative or staffer you sent the letter to so follow up can be conducted. Hard or email copies of your letters are also welcome!

4. Feel free to contact Marianne Adezio at 703-741-7053 or madezio@golinharris.org for more information

The more co-sponsors the bill has, the more likely it is to pass. Please note, this is for the House of Representatives only. Do not contact your Senators at this time. If you could do this within the next couple days to one week, we will be able to maximize the momentum Representative King has initiated!

Even one stillbirth is one too many!

-Dr. Diep Nguyen, MD, FACOG

President, babykick

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